The question becomes more and more essential:
How are we going to travel tomorrow?
Beyond feasibility, we are more and more concerned with global warming and our responsibility as travelers. Yet traveling can see positive consequences on the planet and on the people who inhabit it from the moment we choose our destinations and our way of traveling. As always, it's all about balance and awareness.
It is this set that I am trying to address in this film the impact of responsible tourism that I invite you to watch to find out a little more about eco tourism and its challenges.
You can also listen to Armelle Solelhac during her TEDX conference.
She is invited all over the world to speak about the future of marketing & communication in the outdoor sports, hospitality and tourism industries.
Young people increasingly attracted to responsible travel
A recent survey by the FUAJ (United Federation of Youth Hostels) reveals that many young people travel. And not just to relax: many also feel concerned by questions of sustainable development.
Responsible tourism is therefore a trend that appeals to young people, more than 80% of whom feel “fairly” or even “very” concerned by questions of sustainable development. In fact, 1 in 3 young people have already volunteered in a humanitarian or environmental organization. This concern for respect for the environment is manifested in particular by the choice of their accommodation and the consumption of mainly local products.
But how to remain consistent in wanting to do responsible tourism when the journey is made by plane, train or car and therefore has a carbon footprint?
For the Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable (ATR) association, it is possible to offset all or part of the greenhouse gas emissions linked to your trip, by contributing to climate solidarity projects. The main thing is to reconcile tourism and ethics.
An ecological trend in tourism seems to be emerging, 2019 survey.
Taking into account the ecological footprint of travel plays a role in choosing their destination for 17% of Europeans.
In France, 15% of French people have already done "ecological tourism", ie centered on discovery and respect for nature, avoiding polluting tourist activities (in particular by favoring soft mobility).
It should also be noted that 39% of French people are interested in this ecological dimension of tourism and 16% consider that the carbon footprint of a trip plays an essential role in choosing their destination.
We find these same questions on travel podcasts, such as the Allo la Planète Podcast where you can find an interview with Castelo Vendom on this issue in Brazil. Show # 23 from Beyond the Walls from minute 27:
As well as on blogs / ethical travel agencies such as Ethik Hotels where more and more accommodations around the world have chosen the responsible voice.